Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Things You'll Probaby Never See
The Non-Dyslexic Moments of President George W. Bush
A Burrito in Mexico (no seriously.. no burritos in Mexico)
Another fruit surpass Tomato as the world's most popular fruit
A Caesar Salad named after Julius Caesar
Lose lbs--- The Fun Way!
Truly Falling in Love (10 lbs)
1 Minute Kiss (6-7 Calories)
Sleep <-- You lose more calories sleeping than watching TV
Banging Your Head Against a Wall (150 Calories per hour)
Become An Acient Egyptian Priest (they shave off ALL their hair)
My Favorite Songs
- Teen Spirit
- Come On
- Look At Her Now
- Footloose
- London Lights
Random, Yet Useful Voids
Computer Geeks
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Do you realize that in the time you've taken to read all of my random sidebar comments, you could have been interrogating a friend, or learning how to speak Russian?
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------I once gave up XTML, it was the most terrifying two hours of my life.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Say what?: Drunk Drivers in Taiwan can chose their penalty
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Stupid: A Russian who puts down the hand gernade to "talk" when they have the upper hand
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Funny: Alcatraz is named after a Spanish word meaning pelican
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Funnier: In the English language, a double postive can make a negative
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Come To The Dark Side... Of Furniture: Al Capone's business card said he was a used furniture dealer
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Now is where I say thank you for your time and support, without viewers like you, this blog would still exist, but it wouldn't be as awesome... WoOt for you!
When You Read My Site, You AUTOMATICALLY Think:
Yay For Me!
Yay For You!
Yay For Someone!
She PWNED... most certainly
Y Am I Still Reading This?
I'm Hungry.